About Safety 1st Driving Academy
Safety 1st Driving Academy is dedicated to providing state of the art driver education that emphasizes our core purpose of training individuals, young and old, to gain a mastery of driving skills and knowledge of the rules of the road while at the same time always keeping in mind the concept of safety first. Getting and keeping a driver's license is a privilege that is too often taken for granted. What so many people do not realize, especially young first time drivers, is that every time you operate a motor vehicle you take your life and the lives of others in your hands. It is often only after a tragedy occurs that the reality of the risks of driving unsafely is understood. We want to produce drivers that understand that they must always focus on their driving every time they get behind the wheel. Staying safe and not becoming involved in a life changing accident is, after all, the ultimate goal.
We, at Safety 1st, expect to earn your trust with our dedication. We understand that you are entrustng us with the lives of your children and we promise you that we will do everything we can to teach your children quality driving skills, knowledge of the rules of the road, and the overriding concept of safety first.
Driver education is an important step to becoming a safe and responsible driver. Safety 1st Driving Academy is a local, state certified driving school offering driver education courses with online scheduling for classroom and behind the wheel training. Our flexible courses are taught by state certified driving instructors. Safety 1st Driving Academy serves the areas of Plymouth, Carver, Duxbury, Pembroke, Plympton, Halifax, and Kingston.